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“That’s the thing about being a victim; you start to think it’ll happen to you on a regular basis. It’s living with the reality of your own vulnerability, and it sucks.” – Dennis Lehane, A Drink Before the War

You may remember the issues I had with my fridge and the repairman.  http://atomic-temporary-33385295.wpcomstaging.com/2015/05/29/i-have-been-scammed-and-it-sucks/

After much thought I filed a small claims case against him.  It is scheduled to be heard on November 19.  I am still conflicted about filing the claim.

I want him to be accountable and tell him he cannot walk into someone’s home and take their money and not do the service that he was paid for, but someone mentioned to me that it was vengeful.

I respectfully disagreed. I am not vengeful.  I am tired of feeling vulnerable every time I deal with any kind of repair people.  I am not after the money, I have already decided that I am donating to charity should I win.

Is it vengeance?

“Part of me wants justice for this. Part of me wants to never cause harm to another.” Ken Scholes, Lamentation  (my thoughts exactly)

But here is the funny part.  The other day among my correspondence there was this letter from The People’s Court.

Click here to see the letter: Peoples Court

I have absolute zero interest in appearing on TV, much less fighting in court for laughs.  It is just funny and a bit curious that they would think my case is that interesting for TV.  What are their criteria?

What about you, would you want to appear on TV on a court case?

Stay tuned for the outcome, not on TV, but here 🙂

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx