I wanted to reblog this for so many reasons. Each time I read another light goes on. Frank is the male version of me. He believes in God and prayer and is seeking to make his life and of those around him better. He wants love in his life but will not settle for cheap imitations.
Where we differ is that I am still too stubborn and set on my ways to seek outside help to deal with problems. But who knows, I keep an open mind…
This post clearly shows the benefits of professional help in his life. He has been in recovery for over 13 years… and excelling beautifully!
I hope by reblogging this perhaps it will reach someone that at this moment in time needs that extra push to seek help. Often God sends us angels (in many different forms) to help us when the load is too heavy, but sometimes, instead, he wants us to seek our own angels!
Bravo Frank!!


One of the most influential people in my life is my psychotherapist.  We’ll call her Angelica, because of her always honest, insightful and consistent aid in my journey.  My wish is that everyone could have someone like her in their life.  She delivers a face and voice of God to me.

Angelica has guided me through thirteen and a half years of recovery, so the changes she’s encouraged are significant.  These changes are directly related to the degree to which I have willingness to try new ways, honesty to see my failings, and open-mindedness to grasp where I’ve suffered from rigid thinking.  These are cornerstones for positive changes in life.

Physical health is interrelated with spiritual and emotional health, so I’ve spent a lot of time on exercise.  Exercise feeds my mind oxygen and endorphins.  It helps my confidence and opens many doors of opportunity.  A healthy body allows me to do many things that some people…

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