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“All this was new to me. Life takes us by surprise and orders us to move towards the unknown – even when we don’t want to and we think we don’t need to.” ― Paulo Coelho

I arrived home yesterday and there was this huge flower box waiting for me by the door. I suspected was from M. 

 And it was.  He knows that I love sunflowers and daisies. So, to celebrate International Women’s Day he sent me 10 beautiful sunflowers.

I am so happy with his care and attention.  Everything he says and does, makes me feel not only wanted, but cherished and safe.

There is only one detail with the beautiful flowers.  Each flower should have been protected by netting, as per the description inside the box.  Because they were not, some were damaged.  I didn’t tell him that, but I want to give him a tip when ordering flowers again.

Since I have been disappointed,more than once, with 1800Flowers, I now search for a florist in the area where I am sending to.  I get a local florist and get flower arrangements done with attention and care. 

Would you say something, or just leave it alone? I don’t want to appear ungrateful.

“I have been finding treasures in places I did not want to search. I have been hearing wisdom from tongues I did not want to listen. I have been finding beauty where I did not want to look. And I have learned so much from journeys I did not want to take. Forgive me, O Gracious One; for I have been closing my ears and eyes for too long. I have learned that miracles are only called miracles because they are often witnessed by only those who can can see through all of life’s illusions. I am ready to see what really exists on other side, what exists behind the blinds, and taste all the ugly fruit instead of all that looks right, plump and ripe.” ― Suzy Kassem