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Work: My assistant is back.  Work-life returning to normal.  Well, not really. There is an on-going regulatory audit to deal with.  Perhaps will be done by October.

ATM mishap: A lesson: If the ATM looks beat-up and old, do not try to get money out of it.  The machine made a sound like it was about to spill out the money.  Never did.  The bank was closed.  Had to call my bank.  Now I have to wait 2 days to see if the money is returned to my account.

Mosaic: I will be posting my latest piece tomorrow.   The girls at the studio didn’t like it.   And perhaps that is the reason I love it so much. 

Dates:  Last night:  Went on a date with a motivational speaker.  Nice guy.  He talked so much it was overwhelming. Motivated me to try to talk less on dates.  I may have that in me.  That need to talk, talk, talk.

We went to a diner.  I had breakfast. He had dinner. He was busy talking. I was busy eating.  He took home most of his.  I ate every last bite of mine.

I got home and thanked him for the date, and mentioned there was no chemistry for me.  He sent me this:  

We certainly think very differently about the way chemistry works. I don’t like trying to be convinced otherwise, as I have tried it in the past and it doesn’t work.

And, yes Rob, he has a cat! 

Tonight: I am going on a date with a guy in the financial services industry.  For some reason I feel it is a business connection and not a romantic one.  Whatever it is, it is Thursday night – date night in my book, so I will be dressing up and having an adult beverage. 

“Short stories are tiny windows into other worlds and other minds and other dreams. They are journeys you can make to the far side of the universe and still be back in time for dinner.” – Neil Gaiman