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That is how I spent my Sunday, at a mosaic workshop in Stamford, CT.

I learned some great techniques and got the name of some materials to use.  I am definitely glad I went, but

one of the hardest parts for me was to be concentrating on one task for many hours straight.  I am the type of person that gravitates from task to task.  I also like to see results quickly, so it was such an exercise in focus and patience!

I didn’t even stop for lunch because I wanted to just get the project finished.  Quitting was not an option, so finishing it as fast as I could was.  Perhaps that means that mosaics are not the craft for me, but I like to believe that it just means that I need to learn how to slow down and how to be more focused. I also think that focus and talent are 2 different things.

and here is the final product:

Mosaic Project

My mom collects owls so I will be surprising her with this masterpiece (for some reason I can’t correct the orientation of the picture)

Of course right now I can think of many things that I could have done better, but still I am very proud of my owls!